
class MyPlugin : JavaPlugin(), Listener {

    internal val config = PocketConfig(this)
    internal val localization = PocketLang(this, config)

    override fun onEnable() {

        // load configs
        config.register("config", javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/config.yml"))
        localization.addLanguages("de", "en")

        // register events
        Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this)

    fun onPlayerJoin(event: PlayerJoinEvent) {
        config.edit("config") {
            val uuid = event.player.uniqueId.toString()
            if (it.isConfigurationSection(uuid).not()) {

For an example implementation of using the PocketLang class, let's extend our PocketConfig example. A PocketLang instance is created with a reference to the plugin and our previously created config instance.

For every language that is added an own configuration file for it is registered at lang/<language>. A default version in the classpath is required in this case.

Initialization can be run with an optional parameter to override the default language value en (for English).

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